This month we look at books in translation…
North Books’ alternative book club edges away from the usual convention of only inviting readers to discuss a single book (though this can happen from time to time) to opening up our evenings to a more general celebration of our shared love of storytelling and the people behind the words on the page.
Thoughts in the pot so far include asking readers to choose any work from a given writer to encourage a wider discussion of the author’s creativity and output. We are also interested in dedicated genre events as well as putting poets, journalists, songwriters and historians in the mix. Fiction, non-fiction and everything in between.
It’s a book club but it’s an evolving one. It will be one thing one month and something else the next time we meet – always, though, it will belong to the group and it will be shaped by you. The only common denominator will be words – and a conversation about them.
Participation is free if the book is purchased in advance from North Books at a 10% discount. To join the group, please email Jules on
Next session’s reading suggestion is Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov
On our seventh evening, Wednesday 27 March, let's talk about books in translation.
A few ideas that were put forward on this at the last session including looking at Exeter University's 'Women in Translation: Gender and Publishing in the 21st Century' syllabus which lists several titles for study. Also, maybe looking at books which have been suppressed in their native country but have found an audience outside through translation. Both are great options.
All available to order via or in the bookshop.