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Author Annie Garthwaite (critically-acclaimed author of Cecily) presents her latest fiction title, The King’s Mother

The King’s Mother: Four mothers fight for their sons as the Wars of the Roses rage 


Almost from the first page of The King’s Mother you are plunged into the politics of the fifteenth century.  Cecily, Duchess of York, is now the King’s Mother of the title, but her hold on that position is fragile and at the whim of chance, war and sibling rivalry.  The history of the Plantagenet Kings may be well known, but in Annie Garthwaite’s hands it is fresh and invigorating.  Be prepared, particularly, to see Richard III in a new, more sympathetic light.  A triumph!  Reviewed by Venetia Vyvyan at Barnes Bookshop


1461. Through blood and battle Edward has gained England’s throne – king by right and conquest – eighteen years old and unstoppable. Cecily has piloted his rise to power and stands at his shoulder now, first to claim the title King’s Mother.

But to win a throne is not to keep it and war is come again. As brother betrays brother, and trusted cousins turn treacherous, other mothers rise up to fight for other sons. Cecily must focus her will to defeat every challenge. Wherever they come from. Whatever the cost.

For there can be only one King, and only one King’s Mother.

From the Wars of the Roses to the dawn of the Tudor age, this is a story of mothers and sons; of maternal ferocity and female ambition - of all they can build and all they can destroy.


This is a seated event so tickets are very limited. Tickets are £5 (to include a refreshment) or £20 to include a copy of the signed book. Please email Jules on or pop into the shop to reserve your place.

At North Books, 4 Castle Street, Hay-on-Wye on Friday 19 July, 5-6pm.


Annie delivering a proof of The King's Mother

Annie Garthwaite grew up in a working class community in the north-east of England. A schoolgirl interest in medieval history became a lifelong obsession with Cecily Neville, so, at age fifty-five, she enrolled on the Warwick Writing MA programme. Her extraordinary debut novel Cecily is the result. During a thirty-year international business career she frequently found herself the only woman at the table, where she gained valuable insights into how a woman like Cecily might have operated. 

Today she lives with her partner – and far too many animals – on the side of a green Shropshire hill close to the Yorkist stronghold of Ludlow.

Annie delivered a proof to North Books earlier in the Spring and it was devoured by one of the shop’s reading team, who loved it “even more than Cecily”.

The King's Mother by Annie Garthwaite
21 June

Published: Kington artist Kathryn Moore A Brush With The Borders

7 August

Hay Reads Book Club